A group of former service personnel seated outside the casemates  of a fort.
Veterans at the Respite Centre, Fort Cumberland, Portsmouth. © Forgotten Veterans UK
Veterans at the Respite Centre, Fort Cumberland, Portsmouth. © Forgotten Veterans UK

Our Wellbeing and Heritage Strategy

On this page you can find a summary of the Wellbeing and Heritage Strategy for Historic England and you can download the full strategy in PDF format.

Why we need a strategy for wellbeing and heritage

Whether through visiting, volunteering, learning or creative practice, engaging with heritage can strengthen confidence, resilience, hope and social connections. We can all benefit from the quality of the place we inhabit, especially if its historic environment is cared for and its historic green spaces are accessible.

The purpose of this strategy is to improve our own delivery, enhance the social impact of our programmes, highlight inequities that heritage can challenge, and communicate the value of heritage. We want the outcomes to be about enhanced individual and community wellbeing and levelling up inequalities. There is not a single end point at which we have ‘achieved’ wellbeing, but this strategy marks the beginning of an ongoing commitment to develop new partnerships and approaches to the nuanced and dynamic concept of wellbeing.


Our vision is to ensure:

Everyone can experience the wellbeing benefits of heritage.

Logic model: aims and actions

We have identified a number of significant areas of new work to help us deliver the aims of this strategy, which we will take forward over the next three years. We are committed to delivering the following actions over the lifetime of the strategy:

Our work aim 1

We will embed wellbeing outcomes in our work; we will learn from and collaborate with partners, communities and organisations that share our ambition to deliver improved wellbeing outcomes.

Approach - work together

Strategic action 1a: We will build on our key existing partnerships, including our productive partnership with the National Academy of Social Prescribing. We will exchange insights on wellbeing issues, work to get heritage on the agenda and build shared activity and outputs.

Action: Provide secondment to NASP for up to 2 days a week; contribute to strategic oversight; work collectively with other Arms Length Bodies. 

Output: Links to NHS England and NHS Improvement; Active involvement in Thriving Communities programme, Accelerating Innovation programme, profile and presence in social prescribing (SP); links with regional SP and health networks, publications in mixed media on heritage and SP, SP community of practice for heritage sector, volunteering scheme for community support initiative, guidance for staff and sector. 

Organisational outcome: More sustained and diverse partnerships with health and heritage sectors.

Strategic action 1b: We will facilitate learning across policy, research, engagement and evaluation teams, enhance our understanding of the sector and its needs, and assess what works.

Action: Create knowledge exchange structure; collate learning from colleagues on sector needs.

Output: Internally and externally driven topical and action-orientated meetings; wellbeing and heritage knowledge exchange forums.

Organisational outcome: More sustained and diverse partnerships with health and heritage sectors.

Strategic action 1c: We will partner as advisory members on research projects and support others to develop projects.

Objective: Build heritage into research into wellbeing and social prescribing in other sectors.

Action: Respond to and actively seek out opportunities for working with new partners and projects.

Output: Minimum 5 advisory partnerships; updates on research at quarterly management briefings; minimum 2 trusted working relationships with new partners.

Organisational outcome: More sustained and diverse partnerships with health and heritage sectors.

Approach - work with intent

Strategic action 2a: We will work with colleagues to make sure our programmes deliver outcomes for people and communities as well as heritage.

Action: Develop relationship with Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance Lived Experience Network; work with voluntary sector

Output: Briefings and guidance on how lived experience can support our work; sharing stories of lived experience.

Strategic action 2b: We will consider ways to prioritise our work to make sure we address wellbeing inequalities, understanding community needs and supporting co-production.

Action: Collate examples of where inequality has been addressed; work with Head of Levelling up and Places and Inclusion team ; align with NASP; link work strands.

Output: Inequality report and clear articulation of linakges between levelling up, wellbeing and inequality.

Organisational outcome: The outcome for actions 2a and 2b will be a clear sense of what works for heritage and wellbeing and its relationship to other strategic priorities.

Strategic action 2c: We will apply the principles of Active Participation from our Future Strategy.

Action: Work with colleagues to develop ways of enabling active participation as a route to better wellbeing outcomes from our work.

Output: Model how to take action in support of the historic environment; show how wellbeing objectives support actively participating with communities.

Organisational outcome: Clear sense of what works for heritage and wellbeing and its relationship to other strategic priorities.

Approach - develop evidence

Strategic action 3a: We will use research to make the case for heritage and investigate new ways of working.

Action: Work with others to develop research opportunities for heritage specfic areas; develop funding bids for new research; review the research of others and its applicability to working with heritage.

Output: New collaborative research bid; funding of heritage and wellbeing work by others using new ways of working.

Organisational outcome: Clear sense of what works for heritage and wellbeing and its relationship to other strategic priorities.

Strategic action 3b: We will develop an approach to social impact, including a wellbeing measurement framework.

Action: Work with our Analytics team and across the organisation to assess workable apopraches to social impact measurement.

Output: Social impact outcomes framework.

Strategic action 3c: We will use project specific evaluation tools to understand how to meet wellbeing need.

Action: Review and collate measurement methods and evaluation approaches in other sectors; use existing evidence to assess good practice in heritage projects.

Output: Guidance and information on measurement and evaluation approaches.

Organisational outcome: The outcome for actions 3b and 3c will be a clear sense of what works for heritage and wellbeing and its relationship to other strategic priorities.

Our people aim 2

We will develop our own knowledge and expertise, so our people recognise opportunities and are empowered to take forward initiatives to achieve positive wellbeing outcomes.

Approach - think holistically

Strategic action 4a: We will create a whole-organisation approach to wellbeing and ensure our commitment to wellbeing is reflected in the Corporate Plan.

Action: Work with Business Improvement and HR to articulate organisational wellbeing approach to staff and outputs.

Output: An integrated and inclusive approach for wellbeing outcomes based on a 'whole-organisational' approach to wellbeing.

Organisational outcome: Staff feel confident about wellbeing and how to work to achieve it where possible.

Strategic action 4b: We will review our current policies and practices to make sure we are encouraging wellbeing objectives where possible.

Action: Work with Business Improvement, Skills and Resilience, Analystics, Regions and Departmental leads

Output: Revised policies inccorporating wellbeing and direct links with delivery of our public value framework.

Organisational outcome: Staff feel confident about wellbeing and how to work to achieve it where possible.

Strategic action 4c: We will draw connections and share actions with the Inclusion, Diversity and Equality Strategy.

Action: Work with inclusion and communities teams in particular to highlight opportunities for joint working and shared approaches.

Output: Case studies on the benefits of a wellbeing approach to inclusion and diversity outcomes.

Organisational outcome: Staff feel confident about wellbeing and how to work to achieve it where possible.

Approach - support staff

Strategic action 5a: We will develop a learning space, guidance and training to enable colleagues to embed wellbeing in their work.

Action: Work with Business Improvement and HR to develop staff learning plan and deliver guidance and training.

Output: Learning platform material; staff forum.

Strategic action 5b: We will disseminate and exchange information and engage in mutual learning with people, gaining multiple perspectives and building resilience.

Action: Drawing on our work and that of others we will develop evidence summaries to communicate state of knowledge in our priority areas.

Output: A minimum of 4 wellbeing priority evidence summaries (for our 4 priorities) and 2 for wellbeing evaluation and inequalities; and related guidance.

Strategic action 5c: We will host staff forums to share and learn from each other.

Action: We will establish a knowledge exchange forum internally; create other opportunities for learning and sharing together such as drop-in sessions and topic-led presentations and respond to requests for advice.

Output: A wellbeing and heritage knowledge exchange forum for staff; drop-in sessions for colleagues; webinars and presentations for teams.

Organisational outcome: The outcome for actions 5a, 5b and 5c will be that staff feel confident about wellbeing and how to work to achieve it where possible.

Approach - learn reflectively

Strategic action 6a: We will work together to review and evaluate our current work to understand its impact and identify areas for improvement.

Action: Consult internally with teams and departments to review functions and opportunities for wellbeing in current work.

Output: Departmental plans for short-term and achieveable articulation of wellbeing outcomes.

Strategic action 6b: We will work with colleagues across the organisation to explore how we can deliver more wellbeing outcomes and put this into practice.

Action: Consult internally with teams and departments to consider how to diversify and expand wellbeing outcomes.

Output: Maturity modelling for organisation in delivering wellbeing outcomes.

Organisational outcome: The outcome for actions 6a and 6b will be that we understand where change is desirable and feasible across our portfolio.

Strategic action 6c: We will use opportunities in our work to increase evidence and test proofs of concept.

Action: We will talk with and listen to staff - making connections with existing projects to develop more refined wellbeing benefits; we will use core work to test and pilot approaches and link with place-based programmes of work.

Output: Case studies of what works and how we approached wellbeing in different areas of our work; examples of success in sector approaches to wellbeing orientated projects and programmes.

Organisational outcome: Understand where change is desirable and feasible across our portfolio.

Heritage potential aim 3

We will share the knowledge we gain with heritage organisations and support them to embed wellbeing outcomes in what they do.

Approach - collaborate actively

Strategic action 7a: We will develop models of good practice and create new opportunities for engagement with heritage from our assets.

Action: Review past and current work to with individual teams to collate examples of what works where and how and where opportunities for diversification exist.

Output: Case studies of what works and structural models or pathways for improved use of our assets for wellbeing delivery.

Strategic action 7b: We will work with others to publish, co-produce and facilitate guidance for and with the sector.

Action: Sector-wide Wellbeing and Heritage working group, task and finish groups, partnership with CBA, advice to Historic Environment Forum, exchange with range of sector bodies, advise APPGs, work with umbrella bodies, SP community of practice

Output: Wellbeing and heritage manuals and guidance, shared guidance with others on priority wellbeing areas (4).

Organisational outcome: The outcome for actions 7a and 7b will be that we will communicate with and learn from national and international colleagues in implementing wellbeing through heritage.

Strategic action 7c: We will create and run a five nations strategic wellbeing knowledge exchange.

Action: Create and run a a five nations strategic wellbeing knowledge exchange; work with international, national and umbrella organisations;

Output: Five nations forum, comparative strategic and evidence summaries.

Organisational outcome: Communicate with and learn from national and international colleagues in implementing wellbeing through heritage.

Approach - create links

Strategic action 8a: With the Council of British Archaeology, we will facilitate communities of practice for the heritage sector to build capacity and share knowledge.

Action: Set up and administer a Wellbeing and Heritage working group in England; create action-orinetated task and finish groups and communities of practice responding to collective need.

Output: Wellbeing and Heritage working group for the heritage sector in England; sector-led collaborations, reports and guidance.

Strategic action 8b: We will work strategically, both nationally and internationally, to share and build evidence and working practices.

Action: Commission and co-produce research with others in heritage and health sector and Higher Education Institutions to explore new evidence.

Output: A minimum of 3 new collaborative research applications or research products that develop new understanding of wellbeing and heritage.

Organisational outcome: The outcome for actions 8a and 8b will be that the benefits of the historic environment to wellbeing are recognised now and for future generations.

Strategic action 8c: We will develop partnerships with the health and voluntary sectors to create new resources for heritage.

Action: Work actively to estbalish working realtionships with new partners in VCSE and health settings.

Output: A minimum of 3 new working relationships that enhance and diversify our thinking.

Organisational outcome: The benefits of the historic environment to wellbeing are recognised now and for future generations.

Approach - create new approaches

Strategic action 9a: We will create and facilitate innovative pilot projects, through direct commissioning, grant applications and partnership working.

Action: Design innovative pilots and proofs of concept projects and work to achieve funding and support as appropriate.

Output: A minimum of 10 pilots led by us or others in new and innovative areas that showcase heritage.

Organisational outcome: The benefits of the historic environment to wellbeing are recognised now and for future generations.

Strategic action 9b: We will collaborate with the cultural sector and the health and voluntary sectors to understand lived experience and the value of heritage to individual wellbeing.

Action: Develop our relationship with Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance and the Lived Experience Network; work more actively with those experienced in the voluntary sector.

Output: Co-produced review of the role of lived experience and multiple perspectives in designing wellbeing through heritage.

Organisational outcome: The benefits of the historic environment to wellbeing are recognised now and for future generations.

Strategic action 9c: We will ensure timely and productive outcomes for our investment.

Action: Work responsively with individual teams and develop action learning approaches; review our theory of change and logic model annually.

Output: Develop brief guidance on action learning and its role in wellbeing outcomes.

Organisational outcome: The benefits of the historic environment to wellbeing are recognised now and for future generations.

Priority audiences

To focus on wellbeing we must consider the needs of everyone. This principle aligns closely with our Inclusion, Diversity and Equality strategy, with its emphasis on inclusive practice. By actively working on wellbeing we will deliver greater social inclusion and more diverse ways to interact with heritage.

We must advocate a ‘people and heritage-led’ approach. To do so, we will listen to people’s needs and experiences, learn from others and build shared approaches. There are many ways to do this and we will continue to take opportunities that arise through local partnerships, but we have also established priority areas of concern based on current social needs.

Through connecting with heritage, we will prioritise support for the following target groups:

  • People with mental health needs.
  • People who are lonely or socially isolated.
  • Older people, especially those who are coping with age-related
    challenges or reduction in their capacity to thrive.
  • Younger people, especially those who need support to counter

We are aware that these are not mutually exclusive groups, neither do they cover every element of health and wellbeing. Yet, we believe this focus will help us to develop knowledge with partners to understand specific needs of particular communities.

We will aim to help these key audiences in the following ways:

  • We will help those who thrive to maintain health, and work with those who require support.
  • We will help to build and maintain connections, and address barriers to participation for those who are struggling.

Download the full strategy