The Hunloke Arms Inn

22 Aug 1999
The Hunloke Arms Inn, Derby Road, Wingerworth, North East Derbyshire, Derbyshire, S42 6LX
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


SK36NE DERBY ROAD 1264-0/6/143 (East side) 31/01/67 The Hunloke Arms Inn


Public house, formerly dwelling. Late C18 with C19 and C20 additions and alterations. Regularly coursed and squared Coal Measures Sandstone with ashlar dressings, advanced chamfered quoins with 'V' jointing, and an ashlar parapet above a moulded eaves cornice. Hipped Welsh slated roof with single ashlar stack with moulded cornice to south end. L-plan range, with rear range stepping downhill. West elevation has symmetrical 5-bay front, 2 storeyed, with semicircular headed doorway within a quoined surround and C20 double doors, each of three panels. Semicircular overlight with radiating glazing bars, all set within a flat-roofed single-storey porch, supported by 2 Tuscan columns, and with architrave, frieze and boldly projecting cornice. 4 ground-floor glazing bar sashes, 4 x 3 panes, in plain stone surrounds, below 5 first-floor sashes, also 4 x 3 panes, within plainly moulded surrounds.

First floor windows are smaller than those below. To the right is a 2-storey 2-bay late C20 extension in a similar style.

Stepped rear wing of two parts, each with a coped gable with moulded kneelers, the lower part with a tall gable stack. Many altered openings.

INTERIOR: completely remodelled, with a fragment of C18 stone staircase surviving.

Listing NGR: SK3876167733


This is part of the Series: IOE01/0879 IOE Records taken by Neil Haddy; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr Neil Haddy. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Haddy, Neil

Rights Holder: Haddy, Neil


Ashlar, Sandstone, Welsh Slate, Georgian House, Monument (By Form), Domestic, Dwelling, Public House, Commercial, Licensed Premises, Eating And Drinking Establishment, Recreational