Our Advisory Service

We communicate all our formal advice by letter, often sent electronically. We have a network of staff across England with a wide range of professional skills and will assign the member of staff whose knowledge best fits the need for advice to each case.  

Our advice may also draw on the expertise of other members of staff or our advisory committees and panels and represents corporate advice on behalf of our Commission, our policy-making body.

Providing advice - our commitment

In cases where we have an interest, we will:

  •  identify the expectations of the client
  •  match the skills required to the needs of the case
  •  identify named staff for each case, and confirm the arrangements for contacting them
  •  provide constructive, clear, relevant and concise advice, consistent with our Conservation Principles
  •  give advice to an agreed timetable, including the provision of formal pre-application and statutory advice
  •  review performance through evaluation and feedback