Local Authority Profiles

Local Authority Profiles are comprehensive datasets and information on the historic environment for each local authority in England.

Local communities with an interest in conserving their local heritage and local authority staff can find a range of information. The Local Authority Profile information is available in one place and in an easily accessible format.

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Information available in the profiles

The following categories of information are available in the local authority profiles:

  • Number of designated heritage assets
  • Number of designated heritage assets classed as 'at risk'
  • Whether there is a Heritage Champion
  • Number of planning applications, listed building consents and parks and garden consents
  • Data on National Lottery Heritage Fund grants made within the local authority area
  • The number of historic environment specialists advising the local authority

The information in each profile can help local people to understand more and engage with their local heritage. They provide an indication of the resources committed locally to protecting and managing heritage assets in their area. Access to expert advice is vital in ensuring that change, in particular through the planning system, is managed in a way that supports what it is that makes places special and heritage assets significant.

National and Regional data can also be found in the Indicators section of Heritage Counts. You may also find Heritage Counts Regional Reports useful.