Research and Archaeology: a Framework for the Eastern Counties, 2. research agenda and strategy

This regional research framework provides an overview of the archaeological resource in the five eastern counties of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, and highlights key research issues.

The Research Agenda comprises an introduction and seven period-based chapters dealing with Palaeolithic and Mesolithic; Neolithic and Bronze Age; Iron Age; Roman; Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Rural; Anglo-Saxon, Medieval and Post-Medieval Urban; Post-Medieval and Later. A thematic chapter includes a range of research issues which could usefully be addressed within the region and which cut across one or more of the period divisions. The final chapter comprises a Research Strategy which considers priorities for future research and outlines an integrated approach to research within the region, exploring collaborative arrangements and partnerships.

Additional Information

  • Publication Status: Completed
  • ISBN: 0 9521848 2 6


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