Fulham Town Hall, London

Planning permission - Listed building consent - Grade II* - Conservation Area - Public building - Interests or values constituting heritage significance - Replacement or renewal - Demolition - Less than substantial harm through physical impact - Need for clear and convincing justification for harm or loss - s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Economic benefits weighed against heritage conservation - Retail or leisure use weighed against heritage conservation - Housing weighed against heritage conservation - Optimum viable use

  • Type of Decision: Planning permission; Listed building consent
    Year: 2017
    Date: 04 April 2017
  • Planning Inspector: David Nicholson
    Appeal Reference: APP/H5390/W/15/3140593; APP/H5390/Y/15/3140594
  • Local Authority Reference: 2015/04022/FUL; 2015/04023/LBC
    Local Authority Area: Council of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
  • Address of the property: Fulham Town Hall, London SW6
  • Applicant/Appellant: Dory Ventures Limited