Caring for Places of Worship at Risk

Historic places of worship can face specific threats that need expert advice, tailored to a particular building and the way it is used.

Historic England is working, with partners across the places of worship sector, to try to offer practical help congregations facing these problems   We are also working to help guide government policy and to do research that provide evidence for decision-making in the future.

Places of worship and the Heritage at Risk Register

Six per cent of our listed places of worship are currently on the Register with the main threats being failing roofs, gutters, downpipes and high level stonework.

To be on the Heritage at Risk Register places of worship must be found to be in poor or very bad condition and in urgent need of repair.

Being included on the Register is not a criticism of those caring for these important buildings, but rather highlights the challenges they face. The Register helps keep a focus on those buildings in most urgent need and is used as a tool to encourage support and help for those dealing with these significant buildings